What is Food Security?

August 24, 2024

11:00 am


1:30 pm

Join Us for a series of online live discussions on Global Food Security!

We'll be going live on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, tune in!

Whether you're interested in sustainable agriculture, concerned about food justice, or simply curious about how we can all contribute to a more secure future, these discussions are for you.

Food is one of our primary concerns for survival.  It nourishes our bodies.  We feed it to our families.  We take pride in receiving our guests with it.  It is such a fundamental part of our lives that it has been politicized, manipulated for profit and it's important in ways that jeopardize it's availability, quality or affordability for many around the world. We'll begin to unpack such an important topic for all of us.

Mark your calendars and join the conversation.