Leading Up to the EC

Discover the history of The Earth Center,
as an institution established by the Dogon Elders who have preserved Indigenous Knowledge in Africa.

The History of the Dogon

Approximately 2,500 years ago, during the invasions of the Nile Valley region (Ancient Egypt), the bloodlines in charge of the highest echelons of knowledge decided to migrate from that area in order to preserve the integrity of the knowledge itself. They used the Sahara desert as a line of defense because the invaders were not capable of surviving the challenging climate and conditions. Over centuries, these bloodlines migrated across the territories known today as Sudan, Chad, and Niger, eventually settling around the buckle of the Niger river, then venturing into various territories throughout West Africa. These families are what we know of today as the Dogon.

The Dogon are known throughout the world for their knowledge.

The Dogon People

The name Dogon comes from the word Dogou, which means land. The Dogon are considered the landlords of Meritah (Original name for Africa) because their culture dedicates itself to preserving the Earth and everything that lives on it.

The Dogon once lived within the Pharaonic society in the Nile Valley. They are comprised of several different bloodlines that represent the elite of the Pharaonic society.

Dogon bloodlines include the families of the Naba (priests/healers/temple caretakers), Woba (farmers), Yonlis (guardians of the kingship), Kediou (builders), Mende (blacksmiths), etc.

These bloodlines are found in tribes such as Gourmantche, Chibisi, Dogomba, Farafara, Sonike, Germa, etc. and each Dogon bloodline is a guardian of Kemetic knowledge related to a specific purpose.

The Dogon are often known among academia for their knowledge in astronomy and their link to the Sirius star system. For this reason, they are one of the most studied cultures in the world.

Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig is of the Naba bloodline.

Origins of "Naba" Name

The name "NABA" is a very old name, It comes from the Medu (Hieroglyphic word) "NEB", which means master, priest or researcher.

There is even a Medu character (hieroglyph) of the Naba name and bloodline which is

Medu Language for Neb meaning " Master "

The Naba are a long lineage of priests and they are one of two priest bloodlines who ensured the spirituality for the Pharaoh’s position in Kemet.

Two bloodlines served the pharaoh. One served openly, the other in secret. The Naba bloodline assisted the Pharaoh in secret. This is because the leadership of the kemetic civilization never put all their eggs in one basket.

Responsibilities of the NABA Bloodline

Since the beginning of the kemetic civilization, every Dogon bloodline had been entrusted with a specialty which enabled its members to either heal a specific ailment or make a specific contribution towards the survival and well-being of humanity.

The Naba name and Dogon bloodline are known as the shrine (temple) keepers who are responsible for preserving and administering all activities related to geomancy, astronomy, philosophy, kemetic spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

Long before the Pharaonic dynasties, the Nabas maintained a direct lineage of Kemetic priests and master healers. They are also referred to as the intermediaries between humans and the Divine World.

Devoted to this duty, the Naba bloodline initiated every one of its descendants to carry on the legacy of the very first ancestors of the bloodline, those called the patriarchal ancestors.

These initiations have been going on since ancient times from father to son, from mother to daughter, from mouth to ear, and from generation to generation and they continue to this present day


Migration away from the Nile Valley

Around 400 BC, the momentum of historical colonial invasions increased into the Nile Valley and the colonizers started to be seen as a real threat to kemetic culture and spirituality.

The Dogon bloodlines were then instructed by the Pharaoh and the other members of the kemetic leadership to preserve the purity of the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that they kept.

The Dogon families then migrated across the Sahara desert and went deeper into Merita (Original name for Africa) so that they could preserve kemetic culture and spirituality by keeping it away from the destruction brought by the colonizers.

The result of this migration was that the purity of the wisdom and knowledge of kemetic culture and spirituality remained intact, untouched and free from any colonial influences since the time of the pharaohs.

Today, the Dogon are seen as a large community of kemetic people who can be found living by the bend of the Niger River and in many other countries in Western Meritah (Africa).

The purity of this kemetic wisdom and knowledge is maintained through secrecy and is handed down from generation to generation for millennia through Kemetic Dogon spiritual initiations taught within the various Dogon bloodlines.

Since then, the knowledge has been carefully preserved and protected in humble villages through a rigid system of education. To acquire this knowledge, Dogon youth have to undergo initiation which teaches them how to harmonize with nature. The Dogon initiation is what modern anthropologists call “secret societies” or “mystery schools”.

To protect the initiations, the Dogon bloodlines decided to no longer build elaborate and grand structures similar to the ones they built in the Nile valley which brought the attention of the invaders. They came to the conclusion that such material structures are not a requirement to live a spiritual life of quality; they decided instead to focus on spiritual evolution.
Ruins of a Kemetic Temple
Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig
1960 - 2008

He is the only authentic Dogon Master and High Priest with the knowledge, authority and permission from the Dogon royalty and elders to establish an institution to initiate people outside of Africa.

During his lifetime, Master Naba visited many countries, his presence being constantly requested in many Temples and Holy places around the world. Master Naba spoke thirteen languages, including Medu (more commonly known as Egyptian Hieroglyphs), which he learned in the Dogon initiations.

On the 21st of July 2008, Prophet Neb Naba transitioned into the Imentet.

Master Naba dedicated his life to educating people on humanity’s original spiritual principles. It is by his efforts that various treasures of the Nile valley civilisation have been made available to the world again after being hidden for more than 2,500 years.

The Prophet of the Kebtah Temples

Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig was a Gourmantche from Fada N'Gourma (a city in Eastern Burkina Faso). The Gourmantche are a subset of the larger Dagomba (Dogon) people.

Master Naba began spiritual initiations at the age of eight. His initiatic masters realized that he was a great reincarnation and prepared him to be a Prophet (Messenger of the Gods). In order to equip him for his destiny they ensured he would receive traditional and modern education.

As a young boy, Master Naba progressed through the Dogon initiations while also attending colonial (modern) schools. As he grew older, Master Naba excelled in the initiations and also attended University in Kenya.

Master Naba eventually achieved the highest rank of priesthood. As a Dogon High Priest & Master Healer, he traveled extensively from temple to temple, increased his spiritual knowledge, and dedicated his life to cultural activism. He is revered worldwide as an authority in the fields of healing, spirituality, astronomy, parapsychology, metaphysics, sociology, psychology, philosophy and geomancy.

Master Naba recognised that the modern lifestyle has proved itself to be detrimental and destructive to humanity and its environment. Unable to sit back and watch as people continued down this self-destructive path, he looked for a solution. He knew that exposure to spiritual wisdom and knowledge would present humanity the opportunity to live a life of quality.

Master Naba sat down with the Dogon royalty and the elders of his people and was given permission to bring forth the Dogon spiritual wisdom, knowledge and culture to the diaspora and the outside world. Master Naba was granted permission to lift the veil of secrecy for the first time since the time of the invasions, providing access to the first levels of the Dogon initiation system.

Map of Burkina Faso

Neb Naba's Legacy

In fulfilling the heritage of his forefathers, Master Naba dedicated himself to research and acquiring knowledge that would serve in the upliftment of humanity.  The Naba family is a bloodline of researchers, priests, and temple caretakers historically known for travelling to other villages and territories spreading the knowledge and wisdom of the traditional indigenous sciences they have preserved.

In 1980, Master Naba joined forces with other cultural activists inspired by the work taking place under Thomas Sankara’s cultural revolution in Burkina Faso. Master Naba started a cultural preservation organization called Khepra. Khepra’s goal was to protect traditional culture from modernisation, while at the same time promoting extensive research by the initiatic youth into the legacy of Kemet (original African civilization).

Naba Elder sit in the village with the principal Naba Temple in the background

Neb Naba as a young cultural activitst in Fada N'Gourma, Burkina Faso

Master Naba continued his research, around the continent of Africa visiting many temples and sacred sites to learn more.  He crossed the Sahara desert from south to north and from west to east many times in pursuit of reclaiming Kemetic knowledge.  He travelled to Germany and spent time studying Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) texts that had been pillaged from the Nile valley. Everywhere he travelled his quality and knowledge attracted people who wished to study with him but the political surveillance he received in Germany for being able to read the hieroglyphs led to his decision to start establishing his international organization elsewhere.

After attending a conference at the famous African film festival (FESPACO) in Ouagadougou about the state of the communities of the African diaspora and the inequalities they faced in the United States, he was inspired to bring his work there.  In the mid 90’s with the permission and blessings of the Kingships and his elders, Master Naba established The Earth Center in 1996. The headquarters was established in Chicago, IL with the goal of providing an authentic education to humanity in a place where it was so very needed.

Neb Naba and the Gourmantche King

Endorsed by the Gulmu Royalty

The highest throne of the Gulmu (Gourmantche) Empire of West Africa endorsed Prophet Neb Naba's mission. His majesty Untaamba now sits on the throne and receives regular reports from The Earth Center.  The Earth Center also supports the royal palace through fundraising for cultural preservation projects initiated by his Majesty.

One of Master Naba's visits to his Majesty Yoabili at the Gulmu palace before traveling to the USA to bring The Earth Center mission and temple

Naba Iritah and his Majesty Kupiendieli

The current Gulmu King, His Majesty Untaamba

Members of The Earth Center temples from Ouagadougou, Fada N'Gourma, USA and Canada with his Majesty Untaamba

Our Mission:

The Earth Center is a multi-faceted 501(c)(3) non-profit spiritual organization dedicated to preserving and promoting humanity's Ancestral culture and spirituality in order to sustain the health and well being of all people.

Our Vision:

We aim to:

  • Contribute to the spiritual enlightenment of the human being by teaching the benefit of applying the Divine Ordinances to one's life.
  • Foster the application of better solutions for humanity's problems by promoting spiritual beliefs and cultural knowledge passed down from the Temples of the Nile Valley.
  • Offer our allies, members, followers, and disciples a forum providing fellowship and community support.
  • Provide people who are committed to the well-being and sustainability of our fellowship with a means to address social and economic problems.

The Earth Center also works with villages and towns located in the Sub-Saharan Nations of Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, and Benin where the people are fighting to preserve their traditional cultures.

Modern colonialism continues to challenge traditional concepts of land ownership and indigenous ways of life by deteriorating the lifestyles and cultures that have existed in this region for thousands of years.

The Earth Center (Kebtah) Temple

The Sun Never Sets, it is Man Who Moves Away From the Light.

- Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Today, the light of the wisdom keepers of Africa is shared from each of our temple locations

West Africa: Ouagadougoug, Burkina Faso, Sokodé, Togo, Allada Benin, Yendi, Ghana, Makalondi, Niger.

Central Africa: Am Djenaba, Chad

United States of America: Chicago, IL, Baltimore, MD, Houston, TX, Fort Lee, NJ & Salt Point, NY.

Canada: Montreal, Quebec and Toronto, Ontario.

The United Kingdom: Leyton, London & Coventry, West Midlands.

Earth Center pilgrims in the village of Morodeni with the Naba bloodline.

Earth Center disciples and members celebrating the 55th MTAM graduation

The Earth Center is an institution which is actively supported by many temples and Kingships on the Motherland. Every year the Earth Center holds an annual trip bringing its initiates, members and guests back home to humanity’s motherland in order to permit them to experience the culture first-hand, and to reconnect with the indigenous way of life.The Earth Center is a multi-faceted international non-profit comprised of the following three main branches:

The Earth Center's Three Divisions

The Earth Center is a multi-faceted temple with an international presence comprised of the following:

M'TAM Temple of Kemetic Philosophy & Spirituality

The M'TAM Temple of Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality is the educational branch of The Earth Center. The M’TAM temple provides authentic, Dogon initiation to its students.  It takes its name from M’TAM Science, one of the oldest sciences known in Indigenous Africa.  The word M’TAM means “from within the Earth”. The curriculum of the M’TAM School represents the original body of education to harmonize the human being’s mind, body and spirit with the Earth.

Projects Of Meritah Revitalizing Kemetic Life

The Earth Center’s goal for Meritah Projects is to protect humanity’s cultural legacy by assisting its traditional communities with sustainable development. In this Kemetic cultural renaissance, the diaspora must contribute their energies into maintaining the cultural integrity that has, for so long, preserved our Ancestral heritage. We are dedicated to developing several long-term projects throughout the continent of Meritah. These projects exist to solve the current problems facing the traditional communities and cultures on which we depend. In addition, they develop stable resources and the opportunity for individuals in the diaspora to properly reassume their position in Kemetic culture.

Rising Firefly Productions Publishing House

Rising Firefly Productions is the publishing branch of The Earth Center. Our production house focuses on the dissemination of knowledge through the marketing of books, periodicals, newspapers, audio-visual resources, posters, promotional clothing and calendars.

The Earth Center's Global Temple Community

Through Master Naba’s extensive travels he influenced countless people to improve their lives.  Due to the profundity of his life’s work and how deeply it reaches into human history, a global movement has grown even after he passed away. Individuals are moving towards a reclamation of Ancestral wisdom. We invite you to join this momentum that seeks only to bring out the best of humanity once again. There are many ways to be involved in the Earth Center’s global community.If we are looking for knowledge of traditional Kemetic culture and spirituality, we have to look to those who are actively preserving this way of life.

  • Call us on the phone! At any of our worldwide locations, we are always happy to answer any questions. Feel free to ask any of our initiates any cultural or philosophical questions you may have. We are an educational organization and we enjoy communication.
  • Visit any one of our locations! If you live in proximity to one of our locations, feel free to drop by. We have many educational resources and the on-site initiates will be happy to help you.

The 56th graduating class of the M’TAM Temple

Kemet was never an identity based on skin color, financial status, or even birthplace, but instead on the pursuit to elevate one’s spirit towards a more harmonious position that honors our Ancestors and the Divine Order of existence.  Those who chose to do this were called Kem (members of Kemetic society).  The Earth Center is reviving this global tradition and its community lives up to the Requirements of the Kem. We invite you to become a member of our global community and join us.With the reopening of the Kemetic Dogon Temples after being closed for more than 2,500 years, now is the time to bring back peace and restore harmony and balance to every human being for the survival of current and future generations.