Supporting Traditional Royalty: Gourmantche Museum Project

Initial Phase:  Accumulation of the Sacred Reserves of Gourmantche Heritage.  - $500,000

This project, which will cost $1,000,000, will be accomplished in three phases:

1-construct the exhibits reserve that enhances the captivating Gourmantche heritage.

2-construct an exhibition hall and administrative office.

3-construct a crafts center for training and cultural education.

The first phase of the project will

  • assess the potential of the objects of the Chief Royal Palace and Related Royal Courts for the museum.
  • assess the potential of the objects of the regional departments and the diaspora for the museum through continual meetings.  These meetings will also serve to inform and promote the sentiment of ownership for the project to the dignitaries of the culture.
  • erect a reserve of 1000 objects, as well as the collection and storage of these royal objects.

The successful completion of this initial phase is a necessary component. It will stimulate further progress, including the construction of an exhibition hall and a crafts center.

Gourmantche tradition is one of the most refined and the most spiritual of the planet.  The Gourmantche culture could easily have been confused with all other important spiritual cultures if one did not notice the importance of “the language of the Gods”, meaning “the oracle of the Earth”, in the individual and collective lives of people.  “Gourmantche people interrogate the Earth about everything, and they submit to the speech of the Earth,” say ethnologists.  

This tradition was transmitted to our ancestors a little before the great migration that brought us from the Nile Valley to the southwestern Sahara.  From there we dispersed into diverse groups and filled the whole continent of Africa.

-Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig in his book
Philosophy Podium

Master Naba is a member of the Gulmu (or Gourmantche) ethnic group.  Their origins are found in the Nile Valley civilisation and by the way he lived, Master Naba is an exemplar of the commitment to preserving the wisdom handed down by their Ancestors.  Until very recently, most Gulmu people have preferred to stay in the bush and maintain their traditions and deep spiritual legacy.  There are, however, many Gulmu people making a name for themselves within the modern territories.

The current ruler of the Gulmu civilisation, His Majesty Kupiendieli (The reflection of the silver house cannot be ignored) is dedicated to unifying and fortifying the culture within these modern times.  The current era has seemingly suffocated too many unprepared indigenous cultures around the planet. His Majesty fully supports Master Naba and the works of The Earth Center, and we are proud to contribute to this monumental project of conservation. This project includes erecting the museum of the Gulmu civilization.  


The Gulmu community is one of the 60 communities that comprise Burkina Faso, and it represents about 7% of the population.  The Gourmantche people are located in the eastern part of the country and are made up of 5 provinces.  These provinces include Gnaga, Gourma, Kommandjoari, Kompienga and Tapoa.

Before the Berlin Conference that kicked off the partition of the African continent, the Gourmantche people were living on 80,000 sq. km of land.  Following that partition by such colonial powers as France, Britain and Germany in 1885, the population of the kingdom found itself located in the modern day countries of Ghana,Togo, Benin, Niger and Burkina Faso.  Notwithstanding the distance, the Gourmantche people maintained the relation between those widespread communities and the central customary power located in Fada ‘N Gourma, Burkina Faso as well as possible.  The Gulmu Kingdom consisted of two dynasties of diverse origins, and Diaba Lompo is an essential historic figure; however, the kingdom reached its apex around the 18th century under the rulership of the King Yendabri who established Nwngu, actually Fada ‘N Gourma, as his capital. The dissection of the Gulmu community in addition to the influence of globalisation, and new technologies have brought negative influences on the Gulmu people:  

  • Lack of communication between Gulmu communities.
  • Lack of exchange and sharing among Gulmu communities (of Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Niger, Ghana...)
  • Failure in cultural education and initiation
  • Loss of cultural and traditional dynamism (due to a lack of adjustment to the environment)
  • Difficulty in the adaptation of foreign ideologies and technologies
  • Ignorance of issues utilising foreign technology
  • Acculturation of the youth towards foreign influences
  • Non recognition of the material and non material cultural heritage

Project Description

His majesty Kupiendieli has shown endless will and proven commitment to unify, develop and promote the cultural and traditional wealth of his people. He is taking the initiative to construct a museum in the image of the Gulmu civilisation. The museum will reflect and retrace the history long preceding European invasion. In this museum project, His Majesty is being assisted by his ministers and chiefs.

At the Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression held in Paris in October, 2005 (ratified by Burkina Faso) and at many other conventions in the domain of the culture, the focus was strategically put on the development of the pillars of accelerated growth.  Burkina Faso can count on that sector of development because it presents a high economic potential that will employ about 1 million people, half of that number being women. Currently, Burkina Faso has about fifteen museums, and this initiative of His Majesty will come to contribute to that inventory.  The overall vision of His Majesty and his dignitaries in this project is to make this museum of Gulmu civilization a cultural heritage in service of cultural identity and development of Gulmu, as well as humanity.

Specifically put, the planners will be focused on:

  • How to fund the construction of the museum of Gulmu civilisation
  • Identifying and gathering historical cultural objects.  
  • Developing and reinforcing the touristic potential in the region
  • Establishing a plan for transmitting knowledge from generation to generation
  • Identifying strategic partners (technical experts and investments)
  • Consolidating the cultural and historic relations between the Gulmu communities split by the colonial borders.

The Benefit

The beneficiaries of this project are people who explicitly and implicitly gain an advantage in the establishment of this endeavor.  The museum will firstly and directly benefit the Gulmu communities.  It will be a true representation of the will to share values among the present generation and to preserve values for future generations.  It will serve not only as a place of meditation but as a symbol of unification.  

On the individual level it  will provide a personal identity, and the pride of belonging to the group highlighted within the museum. For the upright people (Burkinabe), committed to their onward march towards cultural diversity, it will be additional cultural capital to promote. Lastly, the project will also benefit the upright of humanity -- those who celebrate cultural diversity and though not a part of the Gulmu communities wish to know and discover them.