The Past Revisited: The Code of Human Behavior

Too often, we take another person's word for law without doing the research to find things out for ourselves.  Reason being, many of us find that it is much easier to believe what we have been told all of our lives, than to do the research to find things out for ourselves.  Many of us believe that the quick and easy way saves time and energy.  Well, our entire existence is time and energy, and there is plenty of it to last an eternity.

   The name Naba, in any African language, means Prophet.  In Arabic, it is pronounced "Anaba", which means the same thing.  For those who study the Bible, his people, the Nabateans, were the only people that the Children of Israel paid their respect to because of the knowledge and wisdom they possessed.  Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig is a Gourmantche from Fada N'Gourma, a town East of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) in the heart of West Africa.  He is one of the rare traditional priests of African Spirituality who has known enough of the "modern" educational systems to become a parapsychologist, cultural activist, writer, and researcher.  He has written several articles and books about Geomancy.  Naba's Bayuali (Earth Energy) Readings are featured in The Chicago Firefly Magazine, Choices Magazine, and Bayuali Magazine.

   Naba is the director of The Earth Center, a non-profit organization working for spiritual education and personal growth.  He is the creator of the M'TAM schools of spirituality and philosophy, the expression of the unified forms of the Temples of Thebes and Memphis.  Naba has also found the Sidereal Calendar, the calendar used before and during the Pharaonic period of Africa as well as today.  The Sidereal Calendar is based on the star Sirius and the Orion constellation, making it the only astronomically correct calendar - it is the only calendar not based on socio-religious events.  As a child growing up in America, this writer was always taught to follow the Ten Commandments.  These ten commandments are supposed to be the blueprint for living a righteous life.  Now, after twelve years of research, Naba has informed The Chicago Firefly that there are actually seventy-seven commandments, also known as The Great Book of Divine Ordinances or The Code of Human Behavior.

The Chicago Firefly asked Naba : What is the Code of Human Behavior?

Naba : This is an interesting question because we all know for the last two thousand years, the whole world has been functioning on a basis that is becoming more and more difficult to understand.  A common person knows the Ten Commandments that have been introduced by the Judeo-Christian religions.  Now consider while these commandments were being introduced, it was clear that they were just a selection of a few commandments that were part of a great number of commandments.  The Catholic clergy at this time decided that in order to bring something different, they needed to bring different rules.  So what they did was took out part of what was existing as ordinances of the Gods and created a whole new story around it, thus making the Ten Commandments.  These ordinances of Gods are basically the commandments that have been in existence long before the story of Moses.  These were the commandments that were ruling the world.  That's why we say the world before now has always been better than this one.

TCF : How ancient are the commandments?

Naba : From our estimations, they came with the human awareness about the existence of Gods.  We have a model that we see as a Perfect Model... which is the model of Gods.  The model of Gods is set in a certain order and it's a very clean world.  We've been trying to copy the World of Gods for a long time, and in some part of our history, Gods themselves ordered what we should not do.  So it's risky to try to put a date on that because it doesn't necessarily function according to our paradigm.

TCF : Does religion have any significance or connection with these commandments?

Naba : A social commitment of a religion is to organize the society and try to see how people will be pacified, which has nothing to do with a spiritual life.  That doesn't mean spiritual people are not passive people - they are - they are even the most pacified people, but a spiritual life is not necessarily a religious life.  When Christianity was introducing the idea that everyone is a sinner, the concept of everyone being a sinner was not an enigma.  It was just based on how difficult is was for people to follow all the seventy-seven commandments.  You might be able to follow sixty or seventy, but at least there is a chance that we miss one of the commandments.  When Christianity was starting they were just saying that we all are sinners because it is difficult to follow these commandments.  The concept of us all being sinners is older than Christianity.  But all the Gods and Prophets have been telling us that the least we can do is try to follow these commandments - all of them.  Now, according to our imperfections we might be able to follow seventy-two instead of seventy-seven, but that's how we get graded.  The more commandments you can follow, the better human you become.

TCF : What origin did these commandments come from?

Naba : This question is very difficult to answer because we are not trying to introduce a faith or religious aspect of it.  For now our most important goal is to introduce the concept so that we understand what we could be doing to better our lives or to better the world.  If we go from what origin they came, then we fall into social controversies because everyone is claiming that their history is the oldest... we don't want to fall into that.  The scholars will admit that before the times of the Pharaohs, there was no civilization anywhere.  Anything that we see as values, whether it is bad or good, is the work of the Temples on the African continent.  We know one thing : the Pantheon of Gods, whether it is seen as Inca Gods or Mayan Gods or Indian Gods or Japanese Gods... everybody knows that all these Gods have their roots in the Temples of Africa.  The whole world belongs to Gods.  They don't know borders.  They don't know difference.  So we don't want to attach them to specific people because they didn't put it this way.  When they call us, they just call us humans.  They don't go human Black, human White, human Green, or human Yellow.  So that's how we should go about it.

TCF : Do these seventy-seven commandments cover everything to make one pure?

Naba : I would say that if you follow these seventy-seven commandments, you don't need a religion.  These seventy-seven commandments will give you all you need to access higher dimensions and everything you are looking for.  This is how it was in the beginning, and this is how it will be in the end.  We can only get to the Gods through spirituality.  They show us the way, and they show us how.  Thirty-five of these commandments are coming from the Goddess Nw, the mother of Gods.  The forty-two others are brought out by each one of the Gods of the Underworld that is part of what we call the judgment committee, the committee of Gods who judge us when we die.  Every one of them comes in for just one question that belongs to them.  Only the mother of Gods will ask thirty-five about your life on Earth.  These commandments are a way to keep ourselves clean enough and pure enough so that we could aspire into getting close to what we call the Holy or Sacred Life.  Write to The Earth Center and seek the knowledge.

TCF : What was the process of finding and resurrecting all seventy-seven commandments?

Naba : The truth is that they are not hidden.  You will find 42 of them, which have been introduced as the Negative Confessions, in The Book of the Dead.  The other 35, for those who have access to the Papyrus of Nw, one can find them there.  These commandments still exist in the practical form in temples and initiation camps.  They look at the pyramids and temples and how they are ruined and assume the knowledge is gone.  What is keeping Africa together is not the politics; it is the culture, and the spiritual knowledge.

TCF : What impact will these commandments have on the public?

Naba : To tell you honestly, I don't have an opinion on that.  I just think my job is to make some knowledge available to the public.  I know one thing for sure : for the last two millenniums the whole humanity has been complaining about how things have been getting worse and worse, and how it's the human being that becomes the worst enemy of another human being.  At least from now on we can't say that we didn't know which way to go.  How we say, you can force a horse to go to the river but the horse will drink only if it is thirsty.  A person without guidance and restriction is like a ship in the middle of the sea without direction.  You know where you are going only if you know where not to go - that's how you go from one point to another.